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Subject identification: 1010840

Total number of corresponding auctions: 75
(22.01.2002 - 27.10.2003)

Auction 10599072
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 29.11.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 27.10.2003
Item sold in auction: Komerční - Jiné provozní budovy, objekty
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10578062
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 23.10.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 22.09.2003
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Pohledávky, dluhopisy, zástavní práva, směnky, cenné papíry, podílové listy
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10574168
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 23.10.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 17.09.2003
Item sold in auction: Byty - Byty
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10571220
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 18.10.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 12.09.2003
Item sold in auction: Pozemky - Zemědělský pozemek
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10571242
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 18.10.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 12.09.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10562827
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 27.09.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 27.08.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10562816
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 27.09.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 27.08.2003
Item sold in auction: Komerční - Restaurace, jídelna
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10561848
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 27.09.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 26.08.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Bydlení a rekreace
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10561815
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 29.11.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 26.08.2003
Item sold in auction: Ostatní - Soubory věcí nemovitých
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10561804
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 27.09.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 26.08.2003
Item sold in auction: Pozemky - Zemědělský pozemek
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10561760
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 29.11.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 26.08.2003
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10546228
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 18.10.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 30.07.2003
Item sold in auction: Komerční - Jiné komerční budovy
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10504065
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 24.06.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 23.05.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10503350
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 24.06.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 23.05.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Bydlení a rekreace
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10501557
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 26.05.2003 Place of auction: Chomutov - Klášterec nad Ohří
Current: No Date of publication: 22.05.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Rodinný dům
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10501546
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 26.06.2003 Place of auction: Chomutov - Klášterec nad Ohří
Current: No Date of publication: 22.05.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Činžovní dům
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10501513
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 26.06.2003 Place of auction: Chomutov - Klášterec nad Ohří
Current: No Date of publication: 22.05.2003
Item sold in auction: Komerční - Provozní budovy
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10500644
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 24.06.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 21.05.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Bydlení a rekreace
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10500622
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 24.06.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 21.05.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Činžovní dům
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10500600
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 24.06.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 21.05.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Činžovní dům
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10500578
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 24.06.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 21.05.2003
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10493802
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 11.06.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 09.05.2003
Item sold in auction: Byty - Byty
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10479480
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 20.05.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 17.04.2003
Item sold in auction: Ostatní - Soubor věcí movitých a nemovitých
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10471109
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 06.05.2003 Place of auction: Chomutov - Klášterec nad Ohří
Current: No Date of publication: 03.04.2003
Item sold in auction: Komerční - Jiné provozní budovy, objekty
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10471076
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 06.05.2003 Place of auction: Chomutov - Klášterec nad Ohří
Current: No Date of publication: 03.04.2003
Item sold in auction: Komerční - Kancelářská budova
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10471021
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 06.05.2003 Place of auction: Chomutov - Klášterec nad Ohří
Current: No Date of publication: 03.04.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Činžovní dům
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10461330
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 24.06.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 14.03.2003
Item sold in auction: Pozemky - Pozemky
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10461308
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 24.06.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 14.03.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10453168
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 27.03.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 25.02.2003
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Pohledávky, dluhopisy, zástavní práva, směnky, cenné papíry, podílové listy
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10452695
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 27.03.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 24.02.2003
Item sold in auction: Komerční - Jiné provozní budovy, objekty
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10443312
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 11.03.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 04.02.2003
Item sold in auction: Komerční - Kancelářská budova
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10443279
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 11.03.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 04.02.2003
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10440199
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 27.02.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 24.01.2003
Item sold in auction: Ostatní - Soubor věcí movitých a nemovitých
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10440155
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 27.02.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 24.01.2003
Item sold in auction: Komerční - Jiné provozní budovy, objekty
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10432323
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 30.01.2003 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 23.12.2002
Item sold in auction: Ostatní - Soubor věcí movitých a nemovitých
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10418067
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 18.12.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 18.11.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10416274
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 18.12.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 14.11.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10416263
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 18.12.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 14.11.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10416945
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 11.12.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 13.11.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská technika
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10416934
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 11.12.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 13.11.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10404845
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 21.11.2002 Place of auction: Chomutov - Vejprty
Current: No Date of publication: 22.10.2002
Item sold in auction: Byty - Byty
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10387608
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 18.12.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 17.09.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Rodinný dům
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10387597
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 18.12.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 17.09.2002
Item sold in auction: Ostatní - Soubory věcí nemovitých
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10379589
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 18.12.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 03.09.2002
Item sold in auction: Ostatní - Soubor věcí movitých a nemovitých
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10378324
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 04.10.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 30.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Pohledávky, dluhopisy, zástavní práva, směnky, cenné papíry, podílové listy
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10376520
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 14.11.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 27.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Ostatní - Ostatní budovy, plochy
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10373044
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 01.10.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 20.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10373121
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 23.09.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 19.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10373099
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 23.09.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 19.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10373088
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 01.10.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 19.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10373077
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 01.10.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 19.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10373055
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 01.10.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 19.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10372802
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 17.09.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 16.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10372791
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 14.11.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 16.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10372769
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 17.09.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 16.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10372747
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 17.09.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 16.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10372736
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 17.09.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 16.08.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10332256
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 16.07.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 07.06.2002
Item sold in auction: Komerční - Jiné provozní budovy, objekty
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10331035
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 23.09.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 06.06.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10331024
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 23.09.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 06.06.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10331013
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 09.07.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 06.06.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Pohledávky, dluhopisy, zástavní práva, směnky, cenné papíry, podílové listy
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10331002
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 23.09.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 06.06.2002
Item sold in auction: Ostatní - Jiné stavby
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10317670
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 20.06.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 20.05.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Pohledávky, dluhopisy, zástavní práva, směnky, cenné papíry, podílové listy
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10315360
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 20.06.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 14.05.2002
Item sold in auction: Domy - Zemědělské stavby a usedlosti
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10314051
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 11.06.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 10.05.2002
Item sold in auction: Ostatní - Soubory věcí nemovitých
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10288102
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 26.04.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 26.03.2002
Item sold in auction: Ostatní - Jiné stavby
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10284439
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 22.04.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 21.03.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10284417
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 20.06.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 21.03.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10272933
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 28.03.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 26.02.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10272900
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 28.03.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 26.02.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10272889
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 26.04.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 26.02.2002
Item sold in auction: Ostatní - Jiné stavby
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10265959
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 11.03.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 08.02.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10261493
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 28.02.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 28.01.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10261482
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 22.04.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 28.01.2002
Item sold in auction: Věci movité - Zemědělská výroba
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible
Auction 10259689
Auctioneer: Žatecká dražební s.r.o.
Date of auction: 11.03.2002 Place of auction: Louny - Žatec
Current: No Date of publication: 22.01.2002
Item sold in auction: Komerční - Jiné provozní budovy, objekty
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible


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