Complete listing of other offer:
Contracting authority: |
Povodí Vltavy, státní podnik |
Identification number:
70889953 |
Commissioned subject: |
Nezadaný subjekt |
Identification number:
00000000 |
Owner: |
Nezadaný subjekt |
Identification number:
00000000 |
Offer topic: |
Prodej bytové jednotky č. 321/9 o velikosti 2+1, v k.ú. Štěchovice u Prahy |
Offered item: |
Category of offer: |
Prodej-koupě |
Kind of offer: |
Prodej |
Time of performance from: |
Contest term from: |
29.11.2024 |
31.01.2025 |
Place of performance (City): |
Nezadaná obec |
Place of performance (Region): |
Nezadaný region |
Cadastrial district: |
Štěchovice u Prahy, LV - 1371 a 893 |
Cadastral office: |
undefined |
Security amount: |
353 402.00 Kč |
Award criteria 1: |
undefined |
2: |
undefined |
3: |
undefined |
4: |
undefined |
5: |
undefined |
6: |
undefined |
7: |
undefined |
8: |
undefined |
9: |
undefined |
10: |
undefined |
Offer price: |
3 534 020.00 Kč |
Realized price: |
undefined Kč |
Winner: |
Nezadaný subjekt |
Identification number:
00000000 |
Date of publication: |
19.12.2024 |
Form of assignment: |
listinná |
Identification of announcement |
Description |
F i l e |
Date of publication: |
Type |
Size |
Zveřejnění nabídky - prodej-koupě |
gif |
22118 B |
19.12.2024 |